Healing hurts.
You know that, but sometimes we need to be reminded.
Pain is often an indication that “Something isn’t right.”
Pain can also indicate, “This is more than we are used to.”
I’ve recently started running again, and my legs remind me, “Ugh. We’re not used to this.” But it’s not because something isn’t right, it’s because I’m doing more than I used to, and my legs are being pushed, challenged, and utilized.
Your heart is the same way. When you are ready to use that muscle again, it will hurt. We prefer to numb the pain than to feel it, but to heal it you have to feel it. And life and love are worth the hurt that healing provides.
Can you be brave today? Can you get your heart’s running shoes out and go for a spin around the block? I know you can do it, and I’ll go with you.
We’ve heard it said, “Misery loves company,” but I say unto you, “Healing needs community.”
P.S. Need me to pray with you? Click here.
Excellent word of encouragement!
I was an athlete throughout my life in sports and still in 1990 until until I was hit head on by a drinking driver as I was driving home. My crushed, pinned and plated together right leg after 3 surgeries has not allowed me a run anywhere. But, oh the thought of it gives me feel-good joy just remembering the exhilaration and wind blowing against my face!
Thank you🙏🏻