Dear Friend,
Are you a boxing fan?
Yea, me neither.
But I am a fan of boxing tropes. It always gets me in a movie or a television show when the weary, beaten boxer goes to the corner to be inspired by their dedicated, wise, and inspirational trainer.
After the right pep talk, a bit of strategy, and an "I believe in you," the boxer is ready, focused, and determined to win, and ding, ding, ding, we have a champion.
But that’s not working for you.
You've given the pep talks. You've talked about strategies and options. You've done everything you can to convince, cajole, and cultivate your boxer to success. It is so painful to see them getting beaten by the pain and bullies of life, and your words seem to have fallen on ringing ears.
And you are exhausted, frustrated, and weary.
You feel helpless.
What do you do now?
I can’t help but think that when Jesus had his last night with his disciples, he certainly gave them advice and counsel, but what stands out are two things:
A Meal - Communion, a symbol of sacrifice and grace.
An Act - Washing feet, a symbol of service.
Most of us, most of the time won’t have the magic words, but maybe most of us, most of the time can do the sacrificial acts of service, sacrifice, and grace.
And maybe that will say it better than you could ever articulate.
And maybe too, you can trust that God is in their corner speaking words of hope, love, and beauty in their ears.
P.S. They are so fortunate to have you in their corner. I know it may be hard to see what they are going through, but I can't imagine what it would be like if you weren't there with them.