The world is full of jaded people.
You didn’t use to be one of them, but now you find yourself in the club.
Few people actually choose jadedness. It grows on us like moss in a dark and wet place. It starts with a dash of disappointment, followed by a pinch of frustration, and topped with a dollop of worldly cruelness, and here you are: jaded.
The terrible thing about being jaded is that you can become jaded about your jadedness. It is a terrible cycle of disappointment, frustration, and cruelness that spins you around until you are too dizzy to see straight, too dizzy to think straight, and too dizzy to walk straight.
The answer to being jaded is to rejuvenate.
Re- again. Juvenate- young (like juvenile)
Be young again. Jesus said it this way, “I’m telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you’re not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in. Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom.” (Matthew 18:3-4)
Here Jesus is not talking about child-like behavior, but a child-like perspective.
Go with a child to a zoo, and every animal is their favorite.
Go with a child to look at Christmas lights, and every house is better than the next.
Go with a child to a park, and every kid is a potential friend.
Open your eyes to see like a child and before you know it, the child inside of you might be seen in the mirror.
Oh, how I needed to hear this today, thank you, Aaron.
Amen! I really needed to hear this as well!