Dear Friend,
I’ve never wrestled, boxed, or even gotten in a fistfight, so I’m certainly no expert, but fighting like that wears you out. Most boxers are in incredible shape and after three minutes, they need a break.
Fighting is fatiguing.
Maybe you are weary because you have been fighting for way longer than three minutes.
You are fighting with an ex about your children over every little thing, all the time.
You don’t feel worthy, so you are fighting to prove you are enough.
You are fighting for a dream, or maybe fighting to avoid that nightmare.
You are fighting for “them,” even if “they” could fight for themselves.
Fighting makes us feel alive. Fighting makes us feel passion. Fighting makes us look important. Fighting feels right.
But what if you didn’t have to fight all the time?
Danielle Strickland has this thing called a Posture Prayer. You should google it. She helps us to transition from our natural human posture to a godly posture. The first of the three goes like this,
"I confess, my natural human posture is to fight for myself to defend myself, to try to make something happen. But I choose as a follower of Jesus, a posture of Surrender. My life is not my own, I give you my burdens, my blessings, my future, and I give you this day.”
One time, God’s people were stuck between a rock (a sea) and a hard place (Pharaoh’s army). They panicked. Some were ready to fight. Others were ready to quit. But meek Moses was ready to trust, and he said these words, “The Lord will fight for you, you only need to be still.” Exodus 14:14
This is so true....thank you.
“The Lord will fight for you, you only need to be still.” Exodus 14:14