The Problem of Responsibility
Why do you think you are responsible for this? and this? and this? oh, and don’t forget that?
Why do you put that burden on your shoulders?
There are a lot of people who are irresponsible, who don’t care, but that’s not you. You are uber-responsible. You assume that every burden is yours to carry. You assume that every person, every organization, and every conversation is up to you.
Stop it.
Who do you think you are? Jesus.
Oh wait, Jesus didn’t even do what you are doing.
The “Rich Young Ruler” (you can find the story in Mark 10:17-22) when Jesus told him what was needed to inherit eternal life, “Went away dismayed.” Did Jesus chase after him? Nope. The man went on AND so did Jesus.
Another time, his disciples said, “This is a hard teaching, who can accept it?”
Stopping it, of course, will not be easy for you, but let me tell you two things that might be helpful.
Put anxiety where it belongs. If you are anxious and someone else should be, give it back to them. You don’t have to carry it.
Make it a we-problem, instead of a me-problem. I had this situation at work one time. Since I was the boss, I assumed it was up to me, but the Lord reminded me, “You have other people who have said yes to help you. You, Aaron, do not have a problem. We, this group of people, now have a problem.” It was incredibly freeing. We carried the burden together.