Moving on is difficult when you don’t know which way is forward.
I know you want to move on. I know you want to find a way to live again. I know you don’t want to stay here, but life has thrown you a curveball, and you are too dizzy to start walking forward. All you would do is fall, again.
There was a season of your life where certainty was abundant.
You knew what to do, even if it was scary.
You knew how to do it, even though it was hard.
You knew where to go, even when it was a long journey.
But now your life has been shattered, and you are sure where to start walking and any direction you start will begin with walking through the jagged pieces of your former world.
So take a breath. I want to tell you something that someone once told me,
“If only the next step is clear, take it.”*
You don’t have to have certainty about the entire journey or even part of it. I invite you to take the one clear step you can see.
That may be all you can do today.
Let’s try another step or two tomorrow.
P.S. Friday is the third installment of Red Letters to a Weary Soul, as I share some reflections on the words of Jesus for weary souls. If you are interested in participating in that journey, become a full subscriber.
Step by step🙏🏻one day at a time.